Alexandros Angelidis

Alexandros Angelidis is a Luxembourg-based multi-interest designer with projects ranging from product to furniture to experience design. The aim of his work is to design items that exist in both realms of playfulness and functionality as he continues his research towards meaningful design. He exists through what he makes, embedding parts of himself into his creations.

  1. Alexandros Angelidis

    red torch parasite glasses


  2. Alexandros Angelidis

    violet hunting parasite glasses


  3. Alexandros Angelidis

    fuchsia racing parasite glasses


  4. Alexandros Angelidis

    yellow runner parasite glasses


  5. Alexandros Angelidis

    bowling ball bag

    £1,150.00 (Pre-order)

  6. Alexandros Angelidis

    flash ring



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